Monday, September 23, 2024

Fall. 🍁


Hello there.

I wanted to reach out and wish you a beautiful, peaceful and abundant Fall Equinox.

The time when it is equal day and night.  Fall is being ushered in, yet the last vestiges of Summer linger.

This is also a time to harvest.  To collect and bring home all of the fruits of our labor.

For years now I have been an avid gardener.  No matter what is going on in the world or in my own life, I return to my garden for solace and renewal.  

It is right about now that I begin to harvest all that I have grown.  Apples, blackberries, plums, hops and carrots to name just a few.  This year I will be canning and dehydrating quite a few of them.  It is all deeply satisfying.

When we harvest, we are collecting all of the abundance that we have manifested through our hard work.  This can be applied to most any endeavor.  It truly should be celebrated.  And shared.

There is a time of harvest in the Rolfing process as well.

Clients usually come to see me to become pain free and find balance.  To get to this place, it takes a labor of love, for the both of us.  It takes time, patience, and a commitment to healing.  We are in this together.

Over time, bit by bit, a client will begin to notice subtle and sometimes profound changes.  Each session building upon the previous one.  

In our first session, the seeds for our future harvest are planted. We tend to these seedlings of change with mindfulness and compassion.  In the early stages of our work, the new and positive changes still contend with long held symptoms.  The new can be felt and seen, but the old still has a hold on our soma and psyche.  There is new growth, yet it is tender and not quite robust.

In the interim, positive changes begin to take a stronger foot hold.  They find deeper roots and nourishment.  They begin to feel more solid and there is a sense of growing permanence.  

In the later stages of our work together, the harvest begins.  Pain that once seemed permanent is almost completely gone and forgotten.  A client is able to do more with their life again.  They are able to engage with life's activities that were once inaccessible due to discomfort and pain.  They feel as if they have more energy and a greater sense of peace.  The log jam has broken, and resolution to their long standing symptoms has been found.

It is here that we should pause and celebrate this harvest.  The harvest of peace, balance, and absence of pain.  

Finding this place of somatic resolution is deeply satisfying for both my client and myself.  I find great joy in helping you get to this place of somatic gathering and growth.  

On this day, I hope you enjoy the changing of the seasons . . . and your harvest.